Master Impromptu Speaking
(points on the infographic–click here for the infographic )
- Buy Time
Sometimes, you need just a little more time: time to grasp a concept, time to formulate your thoughts, time to clarify the question, time to breathe.
• Pause for a breath
• Repeat or rephrase the question
• Clarify the question
• Talk about the question
• Answer part of the question
• Acknowledge and pivot
• Repeat your own or someone else’s words
• Review: Take a step back & summarize
• Ask for time to think about it/get more information
• Take a sip of water
• Turn it over to someone else
- Use Impromptu Frameworks
Use an impromptu framework to sound clear and confident
- P.R.E.P.—Get to the Point! Point. Reason. Example. Point.
- What/Why/How—Get buy-in
- 5 Ws—Who. What. When. Where. Why.
- Problem/Cause/Solution—Build to a logical solution
- Issue/Pros/Cons/Recommendation—Make the well-considered case
- Past/Present/Future— Take them on a journey or cast a vision
- 3 (or more) Perspectives—Look at an issue from different perspectives
- S.T.A.R.—Answer behavioral interview questions. Situation. Task. Action. Result.
- Point/Story/Lesson—Teach a lesson
Get the book! More details on each tip are in my book, Impromptu Speaking: 10 Strategies to Think on Your Feet Without Tripping Over Your Tongue.
Very informative and refreshing. Thank you