
Webcam SpeechBuddy

By now you know that you make virtual eye contact by looking into the webcam lens. But, it gets tricky if you have speech notes. If your notes are too far off to the side, your darting eyes are very obvious. You can make better eye contact by having your notes near the webcam. If […]

Public Speaking Book only $0.99 for 100 Tips!

The 100 Tips and Tricks in this book are techniques and strategies I learned through my years of presenting and coaching speakers, and now through May 8, 2020, you can get the ebook for only $0.99. Here’s a sample tip (screen shot):

Book Launch Special $0.99 thru May 8, 2020

Get your confidence on!Get my latest book, 100 Tips & Tricks to Appear Confident in Presentations: Public Speaking Success in 5 Minutes or Less! for only $0.99 for the ebook on Amazon. The paperback is $9.99. Practical, Illustrated tips, one to a page, will boost your skills and confidence! Editorial Review: An easy to read, […]

Podcast Interview: Public Speaking, Publishing, Toastmasters, Confidence + More!

CLICK HERE for my Podcast interview with Sarah CollinsTRANSCRIPT BELOW Sarah: And we are back again. I am with Diane windilling. I just totally butchered your name. Diane: You want me to give you my pronunciation? Then we can just like restart. . It’s, I’ll say it slowly first. It’s wind- een-land and then, then […]

The Secret to Engaging Stories

You know you need to have conflict to make a story interesting. You know you need the basics of setting, characters, and action. But, there is one element that can make your stories incredibly engaging, an element that many speakers don’t use very much: dialogue. Almost every speaker that I have coached starts out with […]

The Deconstructed Speech: Speech Writing Techniques Revealed

I’m going to be a little vulnerable here and let you see a video of me giving a new speech for the first time, practicing in front of a Toastmasters Club. It’s material that I will be developing into a longer keynote. If you watch the video (9:51), and then read the annotated speech below, […]

Make Your Presentation a HOME RUN!

Do you want to have a “home run” with your presentation? Or, better yet, do you want to “hit it out of the ballpark”? If so, tailor your presentation to your audience. It doesn’t matter if you have the most polished delivery skills, or the most moving stories, if you don’t connect with your audience, […]

Learn from Speech Evaluations

One of the most valuable aspects of participating in Toastmasters is getting feedback. At every meeting, speakers are evaluated by a peer. The video below (3:54) is an evaluation I did of a presentation at PowerTalk Toastmasters recently. This is also a short “showcase” of my skills as a presentation coach. The speaker wanted me to give […]