Speak with Impact: Build Confidence and Clarity as a Communicator

Have you ever spoken up in a meeting, only to feel like your words disappeared into the void? Like no one really heard you? If you’ve ever felt invisible when you speak, you’re not alone. I’ve been there, too. Years ago, fresh out of college as a new engineer, I struggled to communicate my ideas. […]
Unmasking Confidence: Lessons from Halloween for Public Speaking

Can you feel it? The crisp air, the leaves crunching underfoot, and the unmistakable sense of mischief and magic that comes with the Halloween season (well, not so much now that I live in Texas, but I was back in Minnesota recently). It’s that time of year when we dig deep into our closets and […]
Breaking the Stage Fright Barrier: 10 Techniques

Have you ever experienced stage fright? You know, the butterflies in the stomach, the shaky hands, sweaty palms, and maybe rapid breathing? It’s not fun. This performance anxiety is common in public speaking and other performance-related activities. Many years ago, when my children were teenagers, I experienced performance anxiety when I wanted to encourage them […]
From Setbacks to Comebacks: Unleashing the Power of Failure

Failure isn’t the end of the road. if you have a failure recovery strategy to bounce back stronger, wiser, and more determined than ever!
Think Fast, Speak Smart! Free Online Workshop

Join me May 17, 2023 (1-2 PM Central Time) for an interactive, online workshop all about having fun while learning ways to improve your communication skills. Through warm-up activities to loosen your tongue, short improv-style games, prompts to create stories and work on transitions, and message clarity exercises, you can improve the following communication skills: […]
“I Learned More from My Failures”: My Public Speaking Journey

Be a Fascinating Conversationalist: The Conversation Résumé

In-person gatherings are finally happening again! Have your social skills gotten a little rusty? Maybe your interview skills could use a boost. Or, maybe you are a bit of an introvert, and your idea of a conversation is asking the other person questions, so they do all the talking. Don’t make other people do all […]
Giving an A

The sculptor Michelangelo is often quoted as saying, “Every block of stone has a statue inside it, and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.” The sculptor simply needs to have a vision of the statue and remove the excess material. We can apply this possibility thinking to people, too—to both ourselves […]
Speak with Confidence Today!

Do you have a presentation coming up, maybe in the next day, maybe in a couple of hours? Then, the video below is for you. I’m not going to talk about strategies for building content or creating awesome slides. I’m going to focus solely on what you can do to build confidence on the day […]
“Webinar Replay” Impromptu Speaking Workshop

I recently presented a workshop on Impromptu Speaking and many people asked me for the “Webinar Replay.” But, I hadn’t recorded it because it was actually a Zoom meeting and participants were on camera. However, the next day I recorded myself giving the workshop as a presentation and sent the video to the people who […]