“Webinar Replay” Impromptu Speaking Workshop

I recently presented a workshop on Impromptu Speaking and many people asked me for the “Webinar Replay.” But, I hadn’t recorded it because it was actually a Zoom meeting and participants were on camera. However, the next day I recorded myself giving the workshop as a presentation and sent the video to the people who […]
Mini-Workshop: Make a Great First Impression Online

Make a great 1st impression online! Learn how in this Mini-Workshop (29 minutes). -Look Professional Online -Wield Tools of Engagement (online or in-person) -Tame the Technology Monster This presentation was in front of a live, virtual audience for PowerTalk Power Club (some of the audience interaction was edited out). RESOURCE PAGE MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO […]
10 Uses for Sticky Notes in Speaking

#1: Storyboard your speech #2: Plan your book or blog content #3: Reminders #4: Clean your keyboard #5: Brief speech notes #6: Practice eye contact #7: Stage movement #8: Mark reference to read in speech #9: Audience activities #10: Have fun! Be creative
NEW! Group Program: Virtual Presentation Success

“Thank you for the outstanding job on facilitating the Virtual Speech training. I learned multiple things, some of them I had an idea, others were new. It provided great value for our time”–training participant Live, online group training + individual coaching Download the complete program description Build fundamental skills essential to presenting in a virtual […]
The 5 Top Ways to Look Bad on Zoom

Webcam SpeechBuddy

By now you know that you make virtual eye contact by looking into the webcam lens. But, it gets tricky if you have speech notes. If your notes are too far off to the side, your darting eyes are very obvious. You can make better eye contact by having your notes near the webcam. If […]
100 Tips & Tricks to Appear Confident in Presentations: Video Summary

Public Speaking Book only $0.99 for 100 Tips!

The 100 Tips and Tricks in this book are techniques and strategies I learned through my years of presenting and coaching speakers, and now through May 8, 2020, you can get the ebook for only $0.99. Here’s a sample tip (screen shot):
Book Launch Special $0.99 thru May 8, 2020

Get your confidence on!Get my latest book, 100 Tips & Tricks to Appear Confident in Presentations: Public Speaking Success in 5 Minutes or Less! for only $0.99 for the ebook on Amazon. The paperback is $9.99. Practical, Illustrated tips, one to a page, will boost your skills and confidence! Editorial Review: An easy to read, […]
Podcast Interview: Public Speaking, Publishing, Toastmasters, Confidence + More!

CLICK HERE for my Podcast interview with Sarah CollinsTRANSCRIPT BELOW Sarah: And we are back again. I am with Diane windilling. I just totally butchered your name. Diane: You want me to give you my pronunciation? Then we can just like restart. . It’s, I’ll say it slowly first. It’s wind- een-land and then, then […]