
Public Speaking Book only $0.99 for 100 Tips!

The 100 Tips and Tricks in this book are techniques and strategies I learned through my years of presenting and coaching speakers, and now through May 8, 2020, you can get the ebook for only $0.99. Here’s a sample tip (screen shot):

Book Launch Special $0.99 thru May 8, 2020

Get your confidence on!Get my latest book, 100 Tips & Tricks to Appear Confident in Presentations: Public Speaking Success in 5 Minutes or Less! for only $0.99 for the ebook on Amazon. The paperback is $9.99. Practical, Illustrated tips, one to a page, will boost your skills and confidence! Editorial Review: An easy to read, […]

Podcast Interview: Public Speaking, Publishing, Toastmasters, Confidence + More!

CLICK HERE for my Podcast interview with Sarah CollinsTRANSCRIPT BELOW Sarah: And we are back again. I am with Diane windilling. I just totally butchered your name. Diane: You want me to give you my pronunciation? Then we can just like restart. . It’s, I’ll say it slowly first. It’s wind- een-land and then, then […]

5 Reasons Why Professional Speakers Should Join a Toastmasters Club

As a professional speaker, I value my membership in Toastmasters, a world-wide organization dedicated to empowering individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Toastmasters can help you build confidence in front of a low-risk, supportive audience and provides several benefits for you as a professional speaker. Participation in Toastmasters gives you opportunities to: Try out new […]

The Secret to Speaking with Confidence: Give a Gift

Why do so many people fear public speaking? And what are a couple of top techniques to feeling and looking more confident? (hint: one is a delivery/practice technique and one is a mind-set). Transcript below video (3:36) Confidence. Have you ever wondered why so many people lack confidence when it comes to public speaking? I […]

Interview with a Champion!

District 106 Toastmasters speech champion Kenzie Casciano and I had a fun video interview (34:55) with retired newscaster John Gross. Learn about Kenzie’s journey and get a few bonus comments from me, too!

10 Ways to Fast Track Confidence in Public Speaking (in an Hour or Less)

Learning to speak with confidence takes lots of practice, but sometimes you need a short-term confidence boost. If you have an hour, you might think your time is best spent practicing your presentation multiple times, but, no. I have found that simply practicing repetitively can heighten anxiety (note: I am NOT anti-practice. See my article […]

Speak with Confidence and Credibility Webinar (practice session)

In this 51-minute webinar practice video (I’m giving a webinar for the TCSHRM–Twin Cities Society for Human Resource Management in a couple of weeks), you will learn 6 Power Tips to Speaking with Confidence and Credibility (it’s not perfect, but I am modeling my belief in practice & dress rehearsal!): Structure with PREP Create Catchy […]