10 Uses for Sticky Notes in Speaking

#1: Storyboard your speech #2: Plan your book or blog content #3: Reminders #4: Clean your keyboard #5: Brief speech notes #6: Practice eye contact #7: Stage movement #8: Mark reference to read in speech #9: Audience activities #10: Have fun! Be creative
100 Tips & Tricks to Appear Confident in Presentations: Video Summary

Public Speaking Book only $0.99 for 100 Tips!

The 100 Tips and Tricks in this book are techniques and strategies I learned through my years of presenting and coaching speakers, and now through May 8, 2020, you can get the ebook for only $0.99. Here’s a sample tip (screen shot):
Book Launch Special $0.99 thru May 8, 2020

Get your confidence on!Get my latest book, 100 Tips & Tricks to Appear Confident in Presentations: Public Speaking Success in 5 Minutes or Less! for only $0.99 for the ebook on Amazon. The paperback is $9.99. Practical, Illustrated tips, one to a page, will boost your skills and confidence! Editorial Review: An easy to read, […]
Speak with Confidence and Credibility Webinar (practice session)

In this 51-minute webinar practice video (I’m giving a webinar for the TCSHRM–Twin Cities Society for Human Resource Management in a couple of weeks), you will learn 6 Power Tips to Speaking with Confidence and Credibility (it’s not perfect, but I am modeling my belief in practice & dress rehearsal!): Structure with PREP Create Catchy […]
10 Ways to Internalize a Speech and Reduce Dependence on Notes

One of the most popular learning style models is the VARK model. VARK is an acronym that refers to four styles of learning: Visual, Auditory, Reading/writing and Kinesthetic. Not only can you consider your audience’s learning modalities and create presentations that use different modalities, you can use the VARK model to help you to internalize […]
Familiarize. Don’t Memorize.

It was the summer of 2009 and I had eight, 45-minute presentations to memorize as a newly hired high school workshop speaker for a local college. The other new speakers and I had been given scripts for each of the presentations, with topics ranging from budgeting to sexual harassment, and had been told to follow […]
The Secret Memory Booster in Public Speaking

Would you like to know one technique that can help you better: learn your presentation? remember your presentation? facilitate your audience’s learning and recall of your material? Yes? The powerful technique is to use body movement and gestures. Perhaps you may recall learning gestures to a song as a child, or helping children learn something […]
Free ebook for Summer Reading: 12 Ways to Be a Confident Speaker

Learn some public speaking skills this summer! This week your free ebook is 12 Ways to Be a Confident Speaker. Get your free Kindle version (US link, Canadian link, UK link) It’s free on Kindle through Saturday, June 21, 2014. You will learn how to: –Speak with Passion –Focus on the Audience –Know Your Material –Use Notes Sparingly –Speak Conversationally […]
Be a Motor Mouth: Practice Your Speech in the Car

You can greatly improve your speech with practice, but finding the time . . . that is the challenge isn’t it? One way that I have found to slip in practice time is to practice in the car. I don’t suggest practicing in rush-hour traffic, because your attention will be divided and you might not […]