PowerPoint Sharing Made Easy: A One-Screen Zoom Solution

Karen practiced sharing her slides before the meeting, but she still struggled during the meeting. It took her about 5 minutes at the start of her presentation to share her slides. People were patient and understanding (this was a Toastmasters meeting), but she was frustrated, and the impact of her opening was greatly reduced. People […]
4 Ways AI Can Improve Your Presentations

Is there anything AI can’t do? Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated the picture at the top, with the prompt, “A cute dog speaking at a conference, digital art.” AI even helped me write this article, in which I give you 4 easy ways that AI can improve your presentations and public speaking skills. The 4 ways […]
How to Guide Your Audience’s Attention in PowerPoint

Don’t be THAT presenter. You know, the one who does a data dump on their audience by using slides full of text or complex diagrams. Your audience may get confused or frustrated, and not focus on what you want them to. They may not listen to what you are saying as they try to take […]
Mini-Workshop: Make a Great First Impression Online

Make a great 1st impression online! Learn how in this Mini-Workshop (29 minutes). -Look Professional Online -Wield Tools of Engagement (online or in-person) -Tame the Technology Monster This presentation was in front of a live, virtual audience for PowerTalk Power Club (some of the audience interaction was edited out). RESOURCE PAGE MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO […]
Don’t Fumble Sharing Your Slides in Zoom!

Don’t be THAT person–the one who fumbles sharing their slides, or shows all the thumbnails. In this video, you will see first the “bad” of what often happens, then how to share smoothly: 1. Get your slides ready to share, already in slideshow mode 2. Hit the green share button3. select your slides4. Share (blue […]
3 Ways to Share Slides as Zoom Background

Have you noticed when you have been in the audience for a Zoom meeting and the speaker is sharing slides, how small the video looks? Of course, you can change your view option to “side-by-side” and adjust the relative sizes of the shared content and the speaker video, but do you want to count on […]
Instant Design: Slide Templates

Do you want attractive PowerPoint slides, but you aren’t a designer? Would you like to create infographics, but you don’t want to start from scratch? Consider using a slide template resource, such as Simple Slides, where all the hard work has been done for you. For example, Instead of just having a quote with a […]
Will You Stand Up?

Grandparents Day is this Sunday, 9/13, and that made me think about my grandmother, my Italian Nana, and a leadership lesson she taught me about standing up for those with less privilege, standing up for those with less power. The video below is a narrated PowerPoint that I originally gave as a speech a couple […]
The “Covid 15”

Do you want to create good habits or break bad habits? Using the example of the “Covid-15” weight gain, I show how to apply concepts from the book Atomic Habits in the following video (6:23, which was a practice for a speech that I’m giving tonight for my Readership Toastmasters Club). There are also a […]
2 Ways to Share PowerPoint in Zoom So the Slides Don’t Take Up the Whole Screen (& hide thumbnails)-Video

Way #1: Go to “Set Up Slide Show” in the Slide Show Tab of the Ribbon and select the second choice “Browsed by an individual window” Way #2: Collapse the ribbon and drag the vertical divider bar between the thumbnails on the left and the single slide so that the thumbnails “disappear”