
Preview: Public Speaking Tips from the Top 10 TEDTalks

Short, but powerful talks.  Although typically fewer than 18 minutes long, TEDTalks pack a punch:  unique ideas presented with passion. Inspired by a recent NSA-MN Chapter meeting speaker, Hayley Foster, who spoke about creating TED-style talks (post here), I decided that I (and you) could probably learn some public speaking tips from TEDTalks.  For the […]

How to Create a TED-Style Talk: Advice from an Expert

Imagine standing on a TED stage, sharing your passion with the world. Maybe that’s not your dream.  But, wouldn’t you like to have a powerful, TED-like presentation?  TED-style talks aren’t just for TED events.  They are becoming more popular at conferences, too. On Tuesday, the Minnesota Chapter of the National Speakers Association hosted  a presentation […]

FREE KINDLE BOOK until 11/16: 12 Ways to Be a Confident Speaker

If you’ve enjoyed my recent tips on becoming a more confident speaker, you will want to get your FREE Kindle book, 12 Ways to Be a Confident Speaker.  But, hurry! The book is only free through Saturday (and after that, it is available for only $2.99–It’s a short book!) And, I have a BIG favor to ask you! Will […]

How to Prevent Speech Disasters

You’ve seen it happen. Maybe it’s happened to you. The microphone cuts out.  The PowerPoint slides don’t work.  Your presentation time gets cut. Can you recover when things go wrong in a speech? Can you plan ahead to manage the risk? Yes and yes. The 3 key ways to reduce risk: Checklists, Dress Rehearsal, and […]

The Pause that Refreshes

Don’tyouhateitwhenspeakersneverpause? Pausing is to speaking as punctuation is to writing.  Both enhance comprehension.  Pausing is perhaps even more important because a live audience can’t go back and re-listen the same way a reader can go back and re-read. Pausing increases comprehension in several ways.  Pausing: Reduces the overall rate of speaking Gives the audience time […]

Talk from Your Belly Button: Project Your Voice

“Your carefully chosen phrases will be meaningless,” I told my presentation client, “if no one hears you.” My soft-spoken client was preparing for an important presentation and we were doing a rehearsal in the large meeting room where it would be held. I sat near the front.  I sat near the back.  I tried to […]

Smile! Don’t be a Stiff Presenter!

Which person’s presentation would you rather attend? This person’s presentation? Or, this person’s presentation? In the top picture, I am displaying my neutral face.  I am neither happy nor sad.  But don’t I look a little sad, maybe even angry?  I also look every one of my 51 years.  Gravity is starting to give me […]

Nuts to Notes?

Have you ever given a prepared speech without notes? I remember the first time I did–it was for a Toastmasters speech contest.  I was nervous that I’d blank out, or that I wouldn’t say exactly what I had so carefully crafted on paper. It was only a 5-7 minute speech, and I didn’t win the contest, […]

Speak with Confidence: You’re An Expert

Have you ever felt like a fraud?  An impostor? Many years ago, when I was a new engineer, I felt that way.  I was assigned to work on a special project, part of a much larger effort. The other engineers all knew more than I did.  So did the guys in the shop.  Even the […]

Public Speaking 101: Top Online Resources

Masters in Communication has laid a feast of the top online public speaking tips before you!  Click here for the top 101 online resources in public speaking! This blog is #28!