How I Wrote, Self-Published, and Launched My Book, Selling 100+ Copies in 4 days on Amazon

Have you thought about writing and self-publishing a book? Do you feel like you wouldn’t know where to start? Are you worried about spending thousands of dollars, and then not having the book sell or not getting business from your efforts? I felt all those things and more when I self-published my first book, nearly […]
Podcast Interview: Public Speaking, Publishing, Toastmasters, Confidence + More!

CLICK HERE for my Podcast interview with Sarah CollinsTRANSCRIPT BELOW Sarah: And we are back again. I am with Diane windilling. I just totally butchered your name. Diane: You want me to give you my pronunciation? Then we can just like restart. . It’s, I’ll say it slowly first. It’s wind- een-land and then, then […]
15 Concise Strategies for Improved Communication (Book)

“Whether you are a beginner or have reached a roadblock, this book speaks to busy professionals who want concise communication strategies for work, public speaking, and social situations. These strategies include how to manage stress, conquer fear, communicate like a leader, sell, listen, evaluate and think critically.” So starts the back cover of 15 Concise […]
Writing and Publishing Ebooks for Speakers

It was July 30, 2010 and I sat across from Mark LeBlanc, a business consultant and former National Speaker Association National president. He looked at me with his hound dog eyes and said, “You need to write a book. And you can do it next month” It wasn’t a suggestion. It was a “demandment.” I […]
The Goldmine in Your Backyard: Turn Your Speeches into Blogs, Books and More!

Don’t let your speech be a “one and done” event. Multiply your efforts with multiple channels of distribution by re-purposing your speeches into blog posts, articles, books and more. By re-purposing your speech content, you can establish yourself as a subject matter expert, and earn additional income from speeches you’ve already written, or will write. […]