Familiarize. Don’t Memorize.

It was the summer of 2009 and I had eight, 45-minute presentations to memorize as a newly hired high school workshop speaker for a local college. The other new speakers and I had been given scripts for each of the presentations, with topics ranging from budgeting to sexual harassment, and had been told to follow […]
7 Tips on Using Speech Notes Effectively

One of the biggest fears that people have about public speaking is the fear of forgetting what they are going to say. Using notes can reduce that fear greatly, but at the same time create a barrier to audience engagement. Here are 7 tips on using speech notes more effectively so that you can engage and […]
Be a Confident Speaker: Recorded Interview

Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and learn my top tips for being a confident speaker! Last week, Regina Barr, Founder of Women at the Top, interviewed me as part of her “Author Interview” series on how to be a confident speaker, based on my book, 12 Ways to Be a Confident Speaker. Here are the […]
FREE KINDLE BOOK until 11/16: 12 Ways to Be a Confident Speaker

If you’ve enjoyed my recent tips on becoming a more confident speaker, you will want to get your FREE Kindle book, 12 Ways to Be a Confident Speaker. But, hurry! The book is only free through Saturday (and after that, it is available for only $2.99–It’s a short book!) And, I have a BIG favor to ask you! Will […]
Nuts to Notes?

Have you ever given a prepared speech without notes? I remember the first time I did–it was for a Toastmasters speech contest. I was nervous that I’d blank out, or that I wouldn’t say exactly what I had so carefully crafted on paper. It was only a 5-7 minute speech, and I didn’t win the contest, […]
Never Forget Another Speech: Speech Memorization Techniques

I think the biggest reason that people fear public speaking is that they are afraid of opening their mouths and “blanking out” or sounding stupid. Some people even try to memorize their speeches. Right off, you should know that I’m not a big fan of speeches that are memorized word-for-word. I’ve tried it and found […]
Speaking from Notes: The Keyword Method

Which category do you fall under, when it comes to using notes for a speech: 1. The Forgetter. You are afraid you are going to forget what you want to say, so you use notes. 2. The Writer. You worked hard to get your wording just so and want to say it just like you […]