
Speech Zero to Hero–Step 4: Support Points

Time limit: 15 minutes Now we have come to the meat of your presentation, supporting your points. A few common ways to support your points include: Anecdotal evidence: essentially telling a story or offering a case study—make sure they are relevant! Empirical evidence: research and statistics Logical: reasoning based on facts Demonstration: show how something works […]

Speech Zero to Hero–Step 3: Main Points

Time limit: 5 minutes If you are preparing to give a speech in an hour, you don’t have time to figure out a lot of main points, so keep it to 2 or 3. By limiting the number of main points to 2 or 3, not only will they be easier for the audience to […]

Speech Zero to Hero–Step 2: Big Picture

Time limit: 5 minutes The big picture is knowing your purpose for the presentation and your overall approach to presenting it. #1 Select ONE Specific Purpose (keeping in mind your audience) Decision 1: What is the main general purpose of your presentation?  Pick one (you may include all three, but pick a MAIN one): To […]

Speech Zero to Hero–Step 1: The 2 “Knows”

Time limit: 5 minutes Before you plunge into creating your speech there are a couple of critical things you should know to save time and frustration later: #1 Know: The requirements These may be obvious, but these are things you don’t want to overlook! Date: Time: Location: Length of presentation: Topic: What you are expected […]

Persuasive Speech Structures

In a recent discussion on the Official Toastmasters International Members Group Facebook Page, member Merv Olsen, asked “What are your thoughts on the ‘Monroe Motivated Sequence’ approach to persuasive speaking?” You might think that this question doesn’t apply to you because you don’t give persuasive speeches.  Don’t be too quick to dismiss. Ultimately, almost every […]

Smile More to Persuade

With very little effort, you can become a more persuasive speaker. It’s as simple as smiling more. Even the shortest of exposures to a smiling face can influence decisions. In a research project discussed in Francesca Gino’s recent book, Sidetracked: Why Our Decisions Get Derailed, and How We Can Stick to the Plan, college students […]