It’s Not About the Limits You Face

From earning a black belt in TaeKwonDo to conquering the piano and pursuing wellness, I share my journey of pushing past limits and unlocking possibilities in this excerpt of a speech I gave online to PowerTalk Toastmasters.
Master Your Message

(video) Create a compelling message when you first select a topic that hits the sweet spot of Passion, Proficiency & Profitability, Then, analyze your Audience and Start with the End in Mind. What do you want your audience to think, feel or do?
My Facebook Fiasco: Hacked, Disabled, Finally Restored

I’m baaack–After more than 2 weeks of being in Facebook Limbo Land. It took a complaint to California’s Attorney General to regain my Facebook account. Lessons Learned: What happened: On 4/24 I received an email about a password request. I clicked “this wasn’t me” and stepped away from my computer to make and eat dinner. […]
Can You Hear Me Now? Reduce Communication Barriers for People with Hearing Loss

Can you hear me now? And can you help reduce communication barriers for people with hearing loss? Hearing loss affects billions of people worldwide. More than 1.5 billion people live with hearing loss worldwide, nearly 20% of the global population. According to the World Health Organization, that number could rise to 2.5 billion by 2050. […]
New! Monthly Coaching Subscription Programs!

These budget-friendly monthly subscription options will give you the level of coaching that you want! ALL subscriptions include your own Yoodli account with unlimited virtual practice sessions, speech analytics, and speaking practice drills PLUS time-stamped, specific coaching feedback from me for one or more videos (videos length up to 10 minutes). Standard and Premium packages include one […]
Giving an A

The sculptor Michelangelo is often quoted as saying, “Every block of stone has a statue inside it, and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.” The sculptor simply needs to have a vision of the statue and remove the excess material. We can apply this possibility thinking to people, too—to both ourselves […]
How to Present a Project Update in Under 1 minute

Do you want to give a clear, concise project update in under a minute? No more rambling or leaving people confused? Below are 4 steps to an effective project update: Step 1: Introduction/Bottom line status: In one sentence, state the bottom-line status Step 2: Give 2-3 relevant points (1-3 sentences) Step 3: Conclusion: give a […]
3 Go-To Steps to Proactively Prep for Your In-Person & Remote Interviews

As spring commencement ceremonies kick off, many soon-to-be or recent graduates have begun searching for their next adventure. Whether you’ve had a handful of interviews yet or not, most will agree that landing a job, let alone an interview, can be extremely difficult. For example, it’s been recorded that only about five out of 250 […]
Speakers Beware: Unconcious Bias in Your Presentations

Yesterday, all members of Toastmasters received an email about the resignation of International President, Margaret Page. The organization had received a complaint that she had given a speech “that included statements about people of African descent and African Americans that were racially and culturally inaccurate, insensitive, stereotypical, and offensive.” I don’t know her exact words. […]
Progress, Not Perfection

If you want to be a better communicator, don’t try to be perfect. Perfect is boring.Perfect doesn’t take risks.Perfect is a waste of time.The goal is progress, not perfection. To progress, you have to take action, make mistakes, learn and improve. There is no shame in being imperfect. We are all imperfect human beings. We are […]