How to Say “No” to Requests at Work
A client recently asked me, “How can I say “no” to a request at work, when the request is outside of my job responsiblities?” Below was my email response back: As with most things in life, the short answer is “it depends.” ? Some of the things that it depends on . . . You […]
Product Review: PlexiCam
Someday, we will have webcam systems that will better approximate in-person eye contact, but until then, there is PlexiCam! I recently purchased a PlexiCam, a moveable, portable wecam mounting device that allows you to postion your webcam almost anywhere on your screen. I find it gives me a stronger human connection with my clients and […]
Speaking with Confidence Author Interview
Virtual Public Speaking Boot Camp
LIMITED to 4-6 Students 6 Weekly Sessions via Zoom Boot Camp #1 Thursdays, Jan. 7- Feb. 11, 20216:30 PM – 8:30 PM Central Time Session Topics:Session 1: Virtual Presenter Competencies & Define Your MessageSession 2: Plan Your Message StructureSession 3: Engage Your Audience with StoriesSession 4: Deliver with PowerSession 5: Presenting with SlidesSession 6: Presentation […]
2 Ways to Share PowerPoint in Zoom So the Slides Don’t Take Up the Whole Screen (& hide thumbnails)-Video
Way #1: Go to “Set Up Slide Show” in the Slide Show Tab of the Ribbon and select the second choice “Browsed by an individual window” Way #2: Collapse the ribbon and drag the vertical divider bar between the thumbnails on the left and the single slide so that the thumbnails “disappear”
How to Create a Presentation Using Virtual Backgrounds on Zoom
Do you want your audience focused more on you than on your slides when you present on Zoom? One solution is to use your slides as virtual background. The steps in the video are to: 1. Use PowerPoint in the 16:9 aspect ratio (wide screen) 2. Create your slides with content on one half (minimal […]
Display a Virtual Presenter Badge
Virtual Presentation skills are in demand! Let prospective clients and employers know that you have the skills, the experience and the equipment to handle the basics of virtual presentations. Files You Can DownloadLinkedIn Media 1200X627 pixelsSquare badge 800 pixels Large format badge (lots of white space, for cropping as needed)Virtual Presenter Basic Competencies, pdf Do you […]
Book Launch 5/5/20: 100 Tips & Tricks to Appear Confident in Presentations
You will want to be first in line to get my new book when I launch this fun and practical book on May 5! Whether you speak online or in person, can you imagine yourself as a more confident public speaker? What difference could appearing more confident make to your career, to your business, or […]
Handling Questions in a Presentation
Whether you present online or in-person, you often will have to answer questions. Or, maybe you will have to field several questions in a question and answer session (Q&A). The Question and Answer (Q&A) session will probably be at the end of your presentation and might be what you are most remembered for. Make sure you […]
Power Up Your PowerPoint!
All too often a PowerPoint presentation is the Kiss of Death for an audience. You don’t want to be THAT presenter do you? While you may not NEED PowerPoint (or other, similar presentation software), it is often expected, and if done well, can provide engaging visual support to your presentation. There are 3 easy-to implement […]