Don’t Be in the Dark!
Experiment with lighting for online meetings In the video below, I experiment with no extra lights, ring lights, and using parchment paper over the ring lights to try to adjust the brightness for virtual meetings. I’d love to know how you get your lighting just right (I’m open to change!)
NEW! Group Program: Virtual Presentation Success
“Thank you for the outstanding job on facilitating the Virtual Speech training. I learned multiple things, some of them I had an idea, others were new. It provided great value for our time”–training participant Live, online group training + individual coaching Download the complete program description Build fundamental skills essential to presenting in a virtual […]
The 5 Top Ways to Look Bad on Zoom
The “Covid 15”
Do you want to create good habits or break bad habits? Using the example of the “Covid-15” weight gain, I show how to apply concepts from the book Atomic Habits in the following video (6:23, which was a practice for a speech that I’m giving tonight for my Readership Toastmasters Club). There are also a […]
2 Ways to Share PowerPoint in Zoom So the Slides Don’t Take Up the Whole Screen (& hide thumbnails)-Video
Way #1: Go to “Set Up Slide Show” in the Slide Show Tab of the Ribbon and select the second choice “Browsed by an individual window” Way #2: Collapse the ribbon and drag the vertical divider bar between the thumbnails on the left and the single slide so that the thumbnails “disappear”
How to Create a Presentation Using Virtual Backgrounds on Zoom
Do you want your audience focused more on you than on your slides when you present on Zoom? One solution is to use your slides as virtual background. The steps in the video are to: 1. Use PowerPoint in the 16:9 aspect ratio (wide screen) 2. Create your slides with content on one half (minimal […]