
Product Review: PlexiCam

Someday, we will have webcam systems that will better approximate in-person eye contact, but until then, there is PlexiCam! I recently purchased a PlexiCam, a moveable, portable wecam mounting device that allows you to postion your webcam almost anywhere on your screen. I find it gives me a stronger human connection with my clients and […]

Engage with Eye Contact (practice with a “fake” audience)

Video from my online course, No Fear Public Speaking PDF of 3 Faces for your “fake” audience (or just draw your own–you only really need eyes to look at). Learn to be a Confident Speaker! Take Diane’s Online Course, No Fear Public Speaking: Look, Sound and Feel Confident!

Talk from Your Belly Button: Project Your Voice

“Your carefully chosen phrases will be meaningless,” I told my presentation client, “if no one hears you.” My soft-spoken client was preparing for an important presentation and we were doing a rehearsal in the large meeting room where it would be held. I sat near the front.  I sat near the back.  I tried to […]

Speaking from Notes: The Keyword Method

Which category do you fall under, when it comes to using notes for a speech: 1. The Forgetter.  You are afraid you are going to forget what you want to say, so you use notes. 2. The Writer.  You worked hard to get your wording just so and want to say it just like you […]

The Eyes Have It: How to Improve Eye Contact When Giving a Speech

Eye contact is the number one way to increase your engagement with an audience.  A few additional benefits include: Increased credibility (people who don’t make eye contact seem nervous and possibly dishonest) Reduction in crutch words (um, uh, er).  I’ve noticed that people are more likely to use crutch words when they look up or […]