
If I Were Elon Musk’s Speech Coach . . .

If I were Elon Musk’s speech coach, I’d offer him some analytics, especially on filler words and repeated words, plus some coaching feedback. In the 2-minute video below, I demonstrate my new speech analytics tool, Yoodli, looking at a short clip of Elon Musk speaking.

Let Me Be Candid . . .

Would you tell a speaker if they used a lot of ums? Or said too many “likes” or “you knows”? Or, used upspeak? Like many things in life, the answer is “it depends.” It mostly depends on your relationship with the other person. Here is how I would handle offering feedback to a few categories […]

Public Speaking Secrets to Reducing Ums, Uhs & Filler Words

“Well, that was awful,” said Robert, a technical expert for an energy company, as he looked up from my iPad. He had just finished listening to my on-the-spot recording of his speech introduction. “I had no idea I said so many ‘ums.’” In the first 3 minutes of his speech introduction, he had said “um” […]

Open Your Mouth and Don’t say “Ahh”

Ah . . . Um . . . You know, filler words are, like, bad when they are excessive. While I’m not in the militant camp that feels they need to be eliminated entirely, I do feel most people could reduce their use. Filler words can be distracting and they can reduce your credibility, making […]