“Perfect. Just Perfect.” Twisting a Serious Subject into a Tall Tale

Can death and drugs be funny? That was my question as I created a tall tales speech for a recent Toastmasters Tall Tale Contest. Tall Tales Contest speeches are 3-5 minute speeches in which the subject “must be of a highly exaggerated, improbable nature and have a theme or plot.” My Tall Tales speech (video below), […]
How a World Champion of Public Speaking Uses Humor

Do you want to incorporate humor in your presentations? The recent Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking, Cyril Dim Junior, from Zimbabwe cleverly incorporated humor in his speech. You can see a short clip of his speech, and my analysis of his humor in the video below, which is part of a longer workshop I […]
9 Confessions of a Virtual Presentation Coach

Things are not always what they seem, a light-hearted look at a few “true confessions” that I’ll admit as a virtual presentation coach . . . Fake outfits. Sometimes (actually, usually), I don’t dress up as much for video calls as I would in-person. You might think I do, because the part you see is […]
Humor Lessons from Stand Up Comedy

Do you want to add some punch to your presentations? Do you want to leave your audience laughing?Or at least keep them awake? Add some humor! People are more receptive when they are laughing. I know what some of you are thinking. “But I’m not funny! I can’t even tell a joke!” Forget about trying to […]