Think Fast, Speak Smart! Free Online Workshop

Join me May 17, 2023 (1-2 PM Central Time) for an interactive, online workshop all about having fun while learning ways to improve your communication skills. Through warm-up activities to loosen your tongue, short improv-style games, prompts to create stories and work on transitions, and message clarity exercises, you can improve the following communication skills: […]
Free Online Course on Impromptu Speaking for Business

Would you like to speak off the top of your head without sounding like you’ve lost your mind? Have you ever tripped over your tongue or rambled on without making a point during a meeting? Have you ever been gripped by fear when someone asks you a question and your mind goes blank? Yes? It’s […]
Speaking Off-the-Cuff Without Sounding Off-the-Wall

As you become known as a public speaker, you may be asked to speak more at work, often with little or no preparation. If you have a few minutes to prepare, you can write a speech in 5 minutes. But, sometimes people want an answer now! Becoming more proficient at impromptu speaking can propel your […]