How to Create a Killer Keynote

If you’ve ever wanted to captivate a room with your words, impel your audience to action, and maybe even get paid to speak, you need a speech that engages. You need to create a Killer Keynote. In the video below, excerpted from a longer workshop, you will learn the steps to create YOUR Killer Keynote. […]
Top 7 Most-Desired Public Speaking Skills

Do you relate to these public speaking concerns? In the video below, I address the top 7 responses to my recent survey question, What do you most want to improve in public speaking skills?
How to Guide Your Audience’s Attention in PowerPoint

Don’t be THAT presenter. You know, the one who does a data dump on their audience by using slides full of text or complex diagrams. Your audience may get confused or frustrated, and not focus on what you want them to. They may not listen to what you are saying as they try to take […]
Getting Real. Getting Helpful. Getting Clients to Improve Presentations.

I believe that the fastest way to improve your presentations is to get feedback on areas to improve and specific ideas to try, including watching video of yourself. And then, change! Try out the ideas and get more feedback so that you are continually improving. While I strive to be encouraging in my coaching, I […]
5 Tips for Better PowerPoint (2 are about sharing slides on Zoom)

Don’t bore your audience with your presentation slides or fumble presenting them on Zoom. Power up your PowerPoint with just a few key techniques. In this video (7:17):• Discover the top 2 problems with PowerPoint• Learn 3 ways to easily improve your slides• Bonus! 2 pro-tips for sharing slides on Zoom Link to pdf of […]
Mini-Workshop: Make a Great First Impression Online

Make a great 1st impression online! Learn how in this Mini-Workshop (29 minutes). -Look Professional Online -Wield Tools of Engagement (online or in-person) -Tame the Technology Monster This presentation was in front of a live, virtual audience for PowerTalk Power Club (some of the audience interaction was edited out). RESOURCE PAGE MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO […]
Public Speaking Workshop 1/09/21

Learn and apply a repeatable process for creating a virtual or in-person presentation (keynote, TEDTalk, conference seminar, etc.). Master Your Message in a Morning!Saturday morning, January 9, 20218:30 AM – 11:30 AM Central TimeVia Zoom This workshop is ideal for you if you have some public speaking experience (Toastmasters, presentations at work, prior public speaking […]
The Secret to Engaging Stories

You know you need to have conflict to make a story interesting. You know you need the basics of setting, characters, and action. But, there is one element that can make your stories incredibly engaging, an element that many speakers don’t use very much: dialogue. Almost every speaker that I have coached starts out with […]
8 Lessons on Public Speaking from Judging a Speech Competition

What can you learn about public speaking skills from high school students? A lot, if you pay attention! Today, I had to pay attention as 7 high school students each stood before me and spoke for 5-7 minutes in the Prepared Speech category in a regional competition of the Business Professionals of America. I was […]
Speak with Confidence and Credibility Webinar (practice session)

In this 51-minute webinar practice video (I’m giving a webinar for the TCSHRM–Twin Cities Society for Human Resource Management in a couple of weeks), you will learn 6 Power Tips to Speaking with Confidence and Credibility (it’s not perfect, but I am modeling my belief in practice & dress rehearsal!): Structure with PREP Create Catchy […]