Public Speaking Workshop 1/09/21

Learn and apply a repeatable process for creating a virtual or in-person presentation (keynote, TEDTalk, conference seminar, etc.). Master Your Message in a Morning!Saturday morning, January 9, 20218:30 AM – 11:30 AM Central TimeVia Zoom This workshop is ideal for you if you have some public speaking experience (Toastmasters, presentations at work, prior public speaking […]
Speak with Confidence and Credibility Webinar (practice session)

In this 51-minute webinar practice video (I’m giving a webinar for the TCSHRM–Twin Cities Society for Human Resource Management in a couple of weeks), you will learn 6 Power Tips to Speaking with Confidence and Credibility (it’s not perfect, but I am modeling my belief in practice & dress rehearsal!): Structure with PREP Create Catchy […]