
If I Were Elon Musk’s Speech Coach . . .

If I were Elon Musk’s speech coach, I’d offer him some analytics, especially on filler words and repeated words, plus some coaching feedback. In the 2-minute video below, I demonstrate my new speech analytics tool, Yoodli, looking at a short clip of Elon Musk speaking.

My Favorite Public Speaking Tip

There is one public speaking tip that has improved my public speaking more than any other, and I talked about it on a recent podcast (only 54 seconds long!) This tip is the first of 100 tips from my book, 100 Tips & Tricks to Appear Confident in Presentations.

Public Speaking Workshop 1/09/21

Learn and apply a repeatable process for creating a virtual or in-person presentation (keynote, TEDTalk, conference seminar, etc.). Master Your Message in a Morning!Saturday morning, January 9, 20218:30 AM – 11:30 AM Central TimeVia Zoom This workshop is ideal for you if you have some public speaking experience (Toastmasters, presentations at work, prior public speaking […]

The SHARP Method of Structuring a Speech

A speech is written for the ear and not the eye.  Unlike reading an essay, a person cannot go back to review what you just said.  Your audience is forced to go at your pace.  Therefore, a speech must be clearly and simply organized to help your audience follow your line of thought. This post […]

Help Me Write a Book on Public Speaking

Would you like to have input into a book on public speaking? What are the things you really want to know?  What do you wish you knew earlier? I’m actually thinking of getting a quick Kindle book out in about a week or so using mostly a selection of my 2012 speaking tips that you have […]

How to Self-Evaluate Your Speech

Do you want to greatly improve your presentations? I could just say, “hire me,” but you can improve your presentations all on your own, too.  You can self-evaluate. A good self-evaluation is a journey of awareness.  A great self-evaluation is one that starts with preparation and planning well before you give your speech. To prepare […]