Golden Opportunities for Speech Material
I was minding my own business, reviewing my speech notes at a high top table on the ground floor of the RiverCentre Convention Center last week. In a few minutes, I would be heading upstairs to the ballroom to deliver the closing keynote for an association conference. A scruffy-looking man reeking of alcohol approached me. […]
The Secret Memory Booster in Public Speaking
Would you like to know one technique that can help you better: learn your presentation? remember your presentation? facilitate your audience’s learning and recall of your material? Yes? The powerful technique is to use body movement and gestures. Perhaps you may recall learning gestures to a song as a child, or helping children learn something […]
Content vs. Delivery: Which is More Important?
Some people say, “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it,” regarding the relative importance of content vs. delivery in a presentation. Is delivery more important than content? My most recent experience as a presenter at a conference at the University of Copenhagen on Virtual Communication (the conference title was “You Lost Me […]
The Cure for Stage Fright
Perhaps you know the feeling. The tightness that grips your stomach. The racing heart. The sweaty palms. The shaking hands or legs. All physical symptoms of the fear of public speaking. The intuitive approach is to try to calm yourself. While some deep breaths are a good idea (you do need oxygen to your brain!), […]
Speaking Tips from TEDTalk #7: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are (Amy Cuddy)
Video and transcript here The Big Idea: Amy Cuddy shares how “power posing,” standing or sitting in a posture of confidence, even when you don’t feel confident, can affect testosterone (dominance hormone) and cortisol (stress hormone) levels in the body, causing you to feel and be perceived as more confident. It’s not “fake it till […]
YOLO Speaking
YOLO, an acronym that’s been popular among mostly younger people for the past year or so, stands for “You Only Live Once.” It seems to be an excuse for risky behavior. Have they forgotten you actually get to live every day, but you only die once? The sentiment is a recent version of “Carpe Diem.” […]
The Goldmine in Your Backyard: Turn Your Speeches into Blogs, Books and More!
Don’t let your speech be a “one and done” event. Multiply your efforts with multiple channels of distribution by re-purposing your speeches into blog posts, articles, books and more. By re-purposing your speech content, you can establish yourself as a subject matter expert, and earn additional income from speeches you’ve already written, or will write. […]
How to Adjust Your Speech When Your Allotted Time Changes
As the time for his speech to end came and went, the well-known, retired news anchor showed no signs of closing. My speaking slot was after his, and it was apparent I wasn’t going to get the full 60 minutes I had been asked to prepare for. Five minutes. Ten minutes. Finally, at 15 minutes […]
How to Deliver a TEDTalk: The Catchphrase
Would you like to know the secrets of the world’s most inspiring presentations? In his book, How to Deliver a TEDTalk, Jeremey Donovan shares nuggets of wisdom mined from studying the most popular TED Talks. Just in case you are somehow unaware of TED Talks, TED is a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading worthy ideas […]
Transitions in Your Speech Bridge the Gap
Transitions help your speech flow smoothly as one unified, coherent presentation. They link from one part of your speech to the next. A transition can be as simple as an extended pause. That’s right. Silence. Just be silent for a couple of beats and then go to your next point. You can accompany “movement” to […]