Help! I Have to Write a Speech FAST!

Maybe you’ve been asked to speak at an event tomorrow or to present a speech at work, school, or Toastmasters. Maybe you are filling in, or maybe you procrastinated. No fear! You can write a speech quickly! Below is a 2-minute video and a PDF for you to use to create magic in 5 minutes! […]
How to Create a Killer Keynote

If you’ve ever wanted to captivate a room with your words, impel your audience to action, and maybe even get paid to speak, you need a speech that engages. You need to create a Killer Keynote. In the video below, excerpted from a longer workshop, you will learn the steps to create YOUR Killer Keynote. […]
10 Uses for Sticky Notes in Speaking

#1: Storyboard your speech #2: Plan your book or blog content #3: Reminders #4: Clean your keyboard #5: Brief speech notes #6: Practice eye contact #7: Stage movement #8: Mark reference to read in speech #9: Audience activities #10: Have fun! Be creative
The Deconstructed Speech: Speech Writing Techniques Revealed

I’m going to be a little vulnerable here and let you see a video of me giving a new speech for the first time, practicing in front of a Toastmasters Club. It’s material that I will be developing into a longer keynote. If you watch the video (9:51), and then read the annotated speech below, […]
Free Kindle Book (until 8/16/2018): Speech Zero to Hero

Free Kindle Book Until August 16! Get your free Kindle Version of my Speech Zero to Hero Workbook by August 16. In about an hour from the time you open this book, you can be ready to give a presentation that will wow your audience. In this short workbook, you will learn a 7-step process […]
A Winning Speech Structure: 1-3-1

“Life’s . . . a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” These are the despairing words uttered by Shakespeare’s Macbeth, after hearing of Lady Macbeth’s death. I’ve often thought they could apply to some speeches I’ve heard. Sitting in the audience, I’ve despaired over the loss of my time, […]
How to Structure Your Business Proposal Presentations

Following up on last week’s Killer Keynote Speech Structure Post, is another speech structure, the Business Proposal Speech. Many of the same supporting structures (Story, Humor, Activity, Reference/Quote, Props/Photos) can be used in a business proposal as in a keynote, but a different structure can be more effective. A typical business presentation might look […]
Killer Keynote Speech Structure

Want a solid way to structure a keynote presentation that will be memorable and get you asked to come back? Click this link for a pdf of the diagram below: Killer Keynote Structure Do you need to create a presentation in a hurry? Do you want a repeatable method for presentation creation. Sign up for […]
The Book-It Method: Write a Speech by Looking at a Book

Do you need inspiration for your presentation topic? A quick way to select your main points and get that speech written? Try the method that I call, The Book-it Method. In short, you take a look at the table of contents of books on the subject matter you want to speak on. Preferably, the books […]
The SHARP Method of Structuring a Speech

A speech is written for the ear and not the eye. Unlike reading an essay, a person cannot go back to review what you just said. Your audience is forced to go at your pace. Therefore, a speech must be clearly and simply organized to help your audience follow your line of thought. This post […]