Free ebook–Public Speaking Lessons from TED Talks

Free until Saturday, March 8, 2014 Get your free Kindle version of the short e-book, Public Speaking Lessons from TED Talks: The Good and the Bad from the 10 Most-Viewed TED Talks Imagine giving a powerful, TEDTalk-Style Presentation. You can learn insightful tips from this ebook, a compilation my past 10 posts on the top 10 most-viewed TED Talks. The […]
Preview: Public Speaking Tips from the Top 10 TEDTalks

Short, but powerful talks. Although typically fewer than 18 minutes long, TEDTalks pack a punch: unique ideas presented with passion. Inspired by a recent NSA-MN Chapter meeting speaker, Hayley Foster, who spoke about creating TED-style talks (post here), I decided that I (and you) could probably learn some public speaking tips from TEDTalks. For the […]