Free ebook for Summer Reading: Public Speaking Lessons from TED Talks

Learn some public speaking skills this summer! This week and next, I am giving you free ebooks on public speaking (next week is “12 Ways to Be a Confident Speaker”). Get your free Kindle version (US link, Canadian link, UK link) of the short e-book, Public Speaking Lessons from TED Talks: The Good and the Bad from the 10 Most-Viewed […]
Speaking Tips from TEDTalk #6: The Thrilling Potential of SixthSense Technology (Pranav Mistry)

Video and transcript The Big Idea: We can better enable our physical world to interact with the world of data, which ultimately will help us to stay human. The Overall Construct of the speech: A demonstration, mostly via video. Some of the demonstration video appears in the #9 TEDTalk, The SixthSense Interaction, which was presented […]