“Perfect. Just Perfect.” Twisting a Serious Subject into a Tall Tale

Can death and drugs be funny? That was my question as I created a tall tales speech for a recent Toastmasters Tall Tale Contest. Tall Tales Contest speeches are 3-5 minute speeches in which the subject “must be of a highly exaggerated, improbable nature and have a theme or plot.” My Tall Tales speech (video below), […]
5 Reasons Why Professional Speakers Should Join a Toastmasters Club

As a professional speaker, I value my membership in Toastmasters, a world-wide organization dedicated to empowering individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Toastmasters can help you build confidence in front of a low-risk, supportive audience and provides several benefits for you as a professional speaker. Participation in Toastmasters gives you opportunities to: Try out new […]
Interview with a Champion!

District 106 Toastmasters speech champion Kenzie Casciano and I had a fun video interview (34:55) with retired newscaster John Gross. Learn about Kenzie’s journey and get a few bonus comments from me, too!
10 Signs of Toastmasters Addiction

I am the Immediate Past District Director for District 6, and the incoming Public Relations Manager for newly formed District 106. Clearly, I’m addicted to Toastmasters. You just might be an addict, too. Here are . . . 10 signs you have a Toastmasters addiction: 1. Inability to stop or cut back. “Just one more […]
My Purse Stand Up Comedy

Can you find humor in your everyday possessions? Last week I shared my Stand-Up comedy routine about my iPhone. This week, it’s my purse. This stand up routine was performed in January at Humor Mill Toastmasters‘ Annual Stand Up Comedy Night. Below are the video (4:58) and a rough transcript. I wrote it out and then […]
10 Ways Professional Speaking is Different than Toastmasters

Have you thought about becoming a professional speaker–speaking as a way to share your expertise, or your inspiration? Perhaps you are a Toastmaster and have wondered how being a professional speaker is different than being a Toastmaster. I’ve been a Toastmaster for ten years, and a professional speaker for two. Here are the top […]
Keep Calm and Join Toastmasters

Do you wish you could speak with greater confidence? Do you wish you could answer off-the-cuff questions (like on job interviews), without sounding off-the-wall? Do you wish you could develop the leadership skills to ignite your career? What excuse is holding you back? Too busy? Not enough money? I heard someone say, “Excuses are like armpits, […]
Finding My Voice: My Toastmaster Testimonial

This is me at three: Big teeth. Big smile. Bad hair day. Some things never change! However, one thing that did change for me at three was that I began to realize the power of the spoken word. My mother had brought me to work to meet her boss and coworkers. One look at her […]
Extra: Resources for Aspiring Professional Speakers

There are a lot of resources for aspiring professional speakers! Here are a few of my favorites: Favorite Professional Development (mostly Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN area): 1. Toastmasters, a world wide organization dedicated to leadership and communication developmentPowerTalk Toastmasters, a monthly Toastmaster club specifically for Professional and Aspiring Professional Speakers. I’m a member of this club […]