Product Review: PlexiCam

Someday, we will have webcam systems that will better approximate in-person eye contact, but until then, there is PlexiCam! I recently purchased a PlexiCam, a moveable, portable wecam mounting device that allows you to postion your webcam almost anywhere on your screen. I find it gives me a stronger human connection with my clients and […]
Stop Flashing People on Video Calls!

To avoid the tell-tale flashes of bright on your face during a video call when you check email, a website (or sneak a peak at Facebook), you can change several settings to a dark mode (Outlook, Chrome, PC settings) In the video below, I share how to: 1. Change Outlook to Dark Mode 2. Get […]
3 Ways to Share Slides as Zoom Background

Have you noticed when you have been in the audience for a Zoom meeting and the speaker is sharing slides, how small the video looks? Of course, you can change your view option to “side-by-side” and adjust the relative sizes of the shared content and the speaker video, but do you want to count on […]