The app I use in almost every presentation is . . . a clock app.
All it does is tell the time in really BIG digits. That’s all I want it to do.
When you are presenting as a keynote speaker, or doing a breakout session or a workshop, the ending time of the presentation is what is critical, not the overall time. Sometimes a session starts late, or a speaker before you may run long and you have less than the planned time to speak. You don’t want to be the one who messes up the schedule!
Many rooms do not have a clock, and many organizations do not provide a timer. Of course, you could go “old school” and place a watch on the lectern or a nearby table, but why not just use your phone?
In order to end on time, or a couple of minutes early, I keep an eye on the clock and adjust my content and the audience activities as I speak. If I am running fast, I might allow the audience more time to interact with each other, or I might add in a story. Conversely, I can take out somethings if my time is compressed.
The app I use is Big Clock HD (iPhones and iPads only). Although it costs $0.99, it is well worth the small investment! I’d love to hear what non-iPhone users use! (I did a search and found some Android apps such as Giant Clock).
Never go over (or terribly under) your time again!